People keep saying "I call write email fax but local, state and federal government politicians are not listening to me". "What more can I do" is the the question asked by most Americans. Well you have come to the right place that is why this website exists. Its about taking action now and also get people moving in the right direction for the future of America. But also to set the record straight that the people are the "bosses" not those in political office through those who push their agenda and benefit from it. This site is about crossing that imaginary line or circle we all have within ourselves and letting DC etc know they work for "we the people", spelled out in that old piece of paper that seems to be over looked more and more as of late.
The Art of Political Guerrilla Warfare(TAPGW) is about taking action NOW not waiting for an election in the coming years. Quite frankly we don’t have that kind of time to wait for the next election cycle, look at how much has changed in just one year! It is actions that speak louder than words. People can protest, carry signs, chant slogans outside of political offices even go as far as getting together in a group and paying a visit to politicians and government leaders. But as time has shown not much has really changed. How many times have you heard that the email systems crashed, or the phones systems were overloaded when "we the people" took action to get a message to our elected leaders about important legislation and issues facing our country. Do you really believe that had much effect? Did it? I don't know about you but it seems after those system overloads it appears to still be status quo with our elected leaders. They hear you they just aren't listening!
What it will take to get the message "through their thick heads" is to take action, physical PEACEFUL, action that will affect these men and women... quite frankly "we the people" need to take action in a way that stops our elected leaders, fringe media and special interest groups in their tracks! It is clear by many Americans that DC & the “machine” will start to listen when they are directly affected by the actions of the people.
The Art of Political Guerrilla Warfare is the name of the game!
TAPGW is the methodology, an ideology if you will in Saving the Republic.
First and foremost if you or you know anyone thinking of taking up arms and doing something violent or outright stupid then go away! You or that person you know is a problem not a solution to our current state and will be a detriment to Saving the Republic. As a matter of fact if you do know someone considering doing something deemed stupid it is your duty and obligation to report/ turn them in to law enforcement agency. If someone somewhere tries to start something it will have a devastating NEGATIVE effect on us all. You think the changes taking place are too fast right now watch and see what happens if someone tries to start something.
1) This is exactly what “they” want you to do, get physical even violent, through that they will discredit everything that has so far been accomplished and label all involved or with similar views as radical, right wing conspirators, tin foil hat wearers etc (use your imagination)
2) Such action will more than likely fail and those who attempted it will be off to greener pastures
3) Such action will result in a worst case scenario or really a nightmare for the entire country. Sweeping radical and rapid weapon restrictions will be passed so fast and so devastating to the 2nd but within a fine line that the 2nd amendment won’t be “touched” that it will leave all our heads spinning. Such a response would leave us in "shock and awe"!
Lets define what guerrilla warfare is: unorthodox, "unconventional warfare and combat in which a small group of combatants use mobile tactics in the form of ambushes and raids to combat a larger and less mobile formal army." Key words there are unorthodox and unconventional this is where we must go to win back DC from both parties who in the eyes of many today are nothing more than a 2 faced 1 party system. But they are not alone the fringe bias media and special interest groups need to be taught a lesson as well.
This is a battle, a war for many as they consider what is going on in this day and age the fight of their lives. A fight to get back the America we all grew up learning and hearing about referred to as the greatest country in the world. Thus the reason for this sites emblem/logo, The Art of Political Guerilla Warfare (TAPGW) must be used, as this fight cannot be won on old political tactics.
TAPGW will work if you’re willing. The first thing you need to do is ask yourself this simple question, "am I prepared to do what is necessary?" Are you? Are you ready to do things that are unorthodox, stoop to their level in essence? That is what it will take to win this battle you can't fight the “machine” (DC, fringe media, special interest groups) on the terms we all have been trying to stay in over the years... heck decades. Throw out the politically correct rule book, its old out dated, that game play doesn't work and quite frankly the other guys have never stuck to it! Look at how much damage political correctness has done to this country. Its has gotten so bad it is now being partly blamed for the Ft Hood shooting on Nov. 5 2009 (anyone taken note about that date? Here is a clue “Remember remember the 5th of November....”).
As a matter of fact this whole politically correct thing has gotten way out of control. So much so that it’s used as a weapon. Forget about political correctness those who capitalize off it installed it over the last 15+ years as a way to silence those wishing to speak up. Look back on the ’08 election how many people were afraid to say they weren’t going to vote for Obama for fear of being called a racist, so what did they do they lied and said they were or pulled the typical “I don’t discuss politics” excuse. How sad is it that people are afraid to have a different opinion than others and afraid to speak up if their opinion doesn’t match the masses. I say so what who cares they are just words… no one is going to die if you just speak your mind. Remember men/women have fought and died so you can have a voice! Oh and don’t forget our Pres. said “Just words” many times in a speech during his ’08 campaign!
Political correctness is now dangerous for Americans it has spread like a virus from affecting what ones says to their actions, so much so that going green has spread its way into that distorted philosophy. Time to say bye bye to political correctness, speak your mind do what you feel in your heart is right and just do not fear the PC police they are not your masters.
Thomas Jefferson wrote:
“Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear.”
Fear is what those who push political correctness thrive off of why people stay silent when someone says or does something they don’t approve of. “Oh I didn't say anything I didn't want to upset them” , “its not my place, I shouldn’t get involved” Heck how many times have you seen something happen in traffic or what have you like a car running a red and no one speaks up or at the least honks their horn!? That folks is PC at the extreme!
BUT let’s be very very clear with what is being propsed, it cannot be stressed enough to stay within the rule of law. DO NOT give these people an edge to shut you, your group etc down. We can use the laws, rules, loopholes etc they established and take advantage of them against the “machine”! You break the law they will capitalize on it and their counter measures will spread like wildfire!
Furthermore should you encounter Law Enforcement Officers you will answer them respectfully and not antagonize them. They tell you to leave you leave. They ask for your ID you give them your ID. They tell you to turn around and put your hands behind your back you turn around and put your hands behind your back. You are in control don’t let it get that far if you do you are only hurting the cause of many Americans who want their country back.
TEA Parties:
TEA Parties(take note the proper way it’s spelled! Taxed Enough Already), protest tax revolts whatever you call them you can have them they ARE a waste! Now calm down and listen as to why. You must understand the TEA Party is/ has become a centralized target for the radicals. If something happens the TEA Party faces the blame. If DC doesn’t change its way the TEA Party will be blamed... “those TEA Party people put these folks in office and look what they have done, business as usual..”. Look at how much has changed in one year alone, how are those protests working out for you America? The bills still got through, many in power ignored you. Yes Many of those same people are now gone but time will tell how much influence you have. That is not the point here though you have provided the radical left something to put their crosshairs on. STR TAPGW is about an idea, an idea the TEA Party needs to embrace and become. Do not centralize this movement, do not create a formal hierarchy for this group. You must maintain it as an ideology to cross the line and make it an entity is dangerous.
Co-opting the Republican Party is fine but you must not take it over as the TEA Party. As an idea, a symbol you are more powerful...