Paul has ZERO grasp on history, this has been going on more or less since our first incursions with Islam during Revolutionary War times where our Navy, created under Washington, was as a result of incursions following Barbary pirates….
Fast forward to early 20th when US explorers were searching for water in Saudi Arabia and discovered oil. This gave birth to Saudi American relations which enraged radical islamists called the Wahabbis. The Wahhabis, hardcore islamic religious extremists, objected to this relation between east and west and created a lot of problems, to say the least. They objected to Americans being on arab soil and the influence of western culture including that influence on the monarchy. Wahhabis wanted Saudis to stay true to islam but they were being drawn into American culture. The Wahhabis were eventually “kicked out†of the Kingdom and went to Egypt spread their influence throughout the region as far as into Turkey and eventually became the Muslim Brotherhood!!
I wrote about this earlier following Glenn Becks GBTV show on the creation of the Muslim Brotherhood and how he left out their first 26 years!
Paul just doesn’t know his history and is misleading people by saying it is our policies. Radical Islam HATES US since day one it is not as a result of our favor of the Iranian Shah in 1953 and policies since. It doesn’t matter what he or anyone says they hate American culture but more importantly American INFLUENCE in the east. Yes its that simple Paul doesn’t get it never will because it doesn’t fit his agenda and schtick!
Oh take note he gives credit to the CIA yet many times is extremely critical of them! This guy is dangerous….