Palin gets it why can’t Paul? Its not about her or him its about the people and if the people choose through primary elections they do not want him then he and his followers must accept the loss and move on. To have this poor loser mentality “I don’t win the GOP nomination I’ll go 3rd party” is dangerous.
Ron Paul cannot beat the Obama ELECTION MACHINE. Anyone that goes 1-on-1 with Obama can beat him. The problem is the machine that is behind him is extremely powerful. Unions, special interests, the mindless uneducated, uninformed, unengaged zombie army that put him in in ’08 and last but not least Soros’ money are vast. Paul doesn’t have this kind of support, none of the candidates do but Paul is extreme right. Further than the other candidates, conservatives, which makes the election even more difficult.
Remember he is a libertarian he doesn’t have the views the majority of VOTING Americans have, who are conservative. His foreign policy alone is flat out dangerous. The issue is not about where he stands on x, y ,z its this suggestion of his callous attitude that he would consider running third party if he doesn’t get the GOP nomination. We aren’t talking about going up against Bill Clinton, or GW Bush we are talking about getting the worst most destructive POTUS in US history out of the White House.
We cannot afford to screw around this election. We cannot afford to have the infighting that IS taking place. Think back to ’08 and all the drones who came out in support of Pharaoh Obama, they WILL BE back. Any third party candidate will split the vote in favor of Obama, the risk is too high with the support he already has. These Occupy people will play a huge role, IMO many of them are Obama supporters. The fact that they are protesting at Wall Street and not 1600 Pennsylvania Ave or The National Mall should be a clear indicator whose side they are on. They are also influencing a lot of misinformed people, people who will vote. You can bet your bottom dollar they will be converted to voters for the Pharaoh! Anyone, running now or not, with a decent following that considers a third party run will guarantee an Obama 2nd term.
So if you are wondering, yes, you would be hearing this same argument if Palin, Trump, Christi or whomever proposed a third party run. Let me make it absolutely clear, do we need a third party? YES! But now is not the time to be experimenting. Ask yourself this question: Can we afford another 4 years of Obama? Can this nation afford another 4 years of radical appointments, Solyndra scandals, Fast & Furious style attempt to usurp the Constitution, unsustainable out of control spending policy and “we can’t wait” justification to take over and over ride Congress from the corrupt Obama regime?
Go back to how I opened this. Palin gets it why can’t Paul? Is it his: Ego? Arrogance? Obsession?