Tom Morello Speaks at #OccupyWallStreet, Hints to Van Jones “bottom up” Philosophy

Guitarist Tom Morello from Rage Against the Machine speaks at #OccupyWallStreet… to the common person he makes sense until he hints to Van Jones’ philosophy of “bottom up”….

“bottom up” is a code word = Van Jones = unions, revolutionaries, etc = TROUBLE!

Problem with this whole thing is its not grass roots. Its equivalent to those hard mass produced plastic grass doormats with a daisy!

This movement is different because its financed/ backed by Soros, has unions, socialists, marxists, communists and anarchist progressives running the show. You didnt see any of those types involved with a TEA party event.

All these celebrities and high profile people taking part have no idea who they are “getting in bed with”. There are some serious trouble makers in play waiting for the opportunity to take this thing violent.