November 5th, Guy Fawkes Day, Occupy Plans ‘Bank Transfer Day’

“Remember remember the fifth of November gunpowder, treason and plot. I see no reason why gunpowder, treason should ever be forgot…”

The occupy drones have a planned bank transfer day for today this is also referred to as a run on banks. They are asking people to take their money out of all the big name banks and move it to smaller local ones and credit unions. This can be dangerous for banks as it puts them at risk of defaulting and going into bankruptcy!

Funny I thought all these occupy drones were all broke!

Worst off they are all running around with Fawkes masks on thinking they are V from V for Vendetta. I love that movie, V for Vendetta, and am having a hard time associating V’s cause to occupy drones.

V didnt want to destroy the system he did want to bring down those who perverted the system. Destroying parliament was a symbol of that corrupt system. He wanted to empower the people not have anarchy in the streets, but for the people as one to stand up against corrupt government. In the movie you never see him calling for the people to destroy property and just attack anyone. I have actually asked when America will fill DC like Tehran was in 09 or London in the movie. Instead we have dopes who think the solution is to destroy private property and take their aggression out at the wrong people/ businesses.

Occupy dopes in fact want to bring down the entire system and everyone with it. This makes no sense especially when they have no clue what to do if they were successful! They are so clueless they think socialism works. Two perfect examples of the system they want are Greece, which is in shambles, & N Korea, where people are starving and allegedly eating eachother! These are two clear examples of systems they want? How, why would they want it? Occupy drones are so blind they cannot put one and one together to comprehend what they want doesnt work, as N Korea and Greece demonstrate.

Socialism, marxism, communism will all lead to anarchy. Sorry occupy drones you have it wrong I wont support you until these corrupt things are routed out along with the unions, special interests (Code Pink, and Soros’ money. Nope sorry you are becoming enemies (terrorists actually) of the state with all the crime and violence you are committing. Don’t think Fawkes would have gone there nor V!
Grow up b/c you are taking us down a dark and dangerous road.