Tea Party Congressman Destroys Al Sharpton: ‘What’s Your Income’

Don’t know about you but I am sick of hearing about Buffet, who owes over a $1 BILLION in taxes, and his poor poor secretary that pays higher % in taxes than the evil rich investor. Below are 2 articles so far on this issue. Forbes using common sense to suggest one paying that much in taxes must be making at least $200K. Worst part in this tax rate debate, all started by Obama this week following his pathetic SOTU address, is the fact that he left out a key part. The taxes paid by say Mitt Romney vs Buffet’s secretary are not the same.

One is based on interest income on investments (Romney) the other is based on normal salaried income (secretary). The MSM fails on epic proportions in pointing this out along with the fact that Buffet owes $1 billion which he is fighting!!

Warren Buffett’s Secretary Likely Makes Between $200,000 And $500,000/Year
How Rich Is Warren Buffett’s Secretary, Really?
Report: Buffett’s Berkshire Owes $1 Billion In Back Taxes