If the Supreme Court Votes Down Obamacare Then What?

So there are tons of news posts out there about Obamacare being argued at the Supreme Court. Several clips have been posted here about it more of less being a train wreck and that it may get shot down by SCOTUS. Many are questioning what then? What happens to the bill if the individual mandate is shut down? How can the rest of the bill survive, what about those already affected by changes in health care etc?

May I suggest something crazy, completely out of the box that in this day and age should be expected since crazy talk is our reality. Obamacare was never the goal of the Obama regime. To stress the nation, divide us? Oh hell yes that was a goal. To push us closer to socialism communism? Double yes. To be our “in stone” doctrine for healthcare?…… NO!

Rewind back to 2003 when an ambitious Barack Obama, friend of the unions spoke at an AFL-CIO event. Listen carefully…

As I have said single payer folks is the end game…. A national health care system funded and under complete control of the state. All you have to do is take a step back and look at the pieces as they come together. I’m not the only one seeing this coming, Forbes just recently put a piece up on this very topic!