Brett Kimberlin: Soros Funded Thug

If you are visiting some of the top conservative blogs/ news sites today you will notice one common topic: Brett Kimberlin…

Brett Kimberlin: Meet the Soros-Funded Domestic Who Is Terrorizing Bloggers Into Silence
The Conservative Blogosphere Introduces Kimberlin 2012
It’s Everybody Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day; Donation fund for targets
Notorious Domestic Terrorist Brett Kimberlin Exposure Day Post
Who’s funding Brett Kimberlin?

Some highlights on Kimberlin from The Blaze expose`:

  • Drug dealer, alleged child molester, and convicted perjurer, forger and Indiana Speedway Bomber (who is also believed to have played a role in the assassination of a grandmother), Brett Kimberlin, spent 17 years in prison before his ultimate re-absorption into American society
  • He started a non-profit dubbed “Justice Through Music (JTM)” that has, since at least 2005, been funded by George Soros’ Tides Foundation and Barbara Streisand among other leftists
  • Along with his associate, Kimberlin also started an organization called “Velvet Revolution” that supports the Occupy movement
  • JTM’s goal is to use music to foster “social justice” and fight Republican “voter fraud” (like the kind George Bush allegedly used to “steal” the Florida election)
  • Any blogger — conservative and liberal alike — who has written the truth about Kimberlin has come under vicious attack by either Kimberlin or his minions, suffering death threats (veiled and unveiled), multiple lawsuits, loss of jobs and worse
  • He has filed over 100 frivolous lawsuits against anything that isn’t nailed down and somehow is being allowed to continue unchecked
  • This story has never been reported on in the mainstream media

What I find amazing is how far this guy has gotten and no one has been able to stop him. Orin Hatch has even had run ins with Kimberlin! Glenn Beck spoke with two bloggers who have been on the receiving end of this domestic terrorism, both of which are attorneys!

Where is the DO…. never mind.

Surely there is a DA or state attorney somewhere prepared to launch an investigation into what is going on? Of course he or she will have to have a big brass set as you can be sure Napolitano, Holder and company will probably go after them over this. Must be nice having radicals in positions of power, you can now get away with domestic terrorism with the right connections!

Is there anyone, anyone at all in this country with a set of balls to take on the monsters running loose in this country or is everyone too busy?