Biden: Only 13 People in American history Have Been in Senate Longer Than Me

Time for Joe and ALL career politicians to go regardless of what side of the fence they are on. Doesn’t matter what they say or do, you must understand by now, America, that these people are the problem.

Term Limits must be 2012 election issue with reduced congressional sessions. Being a Senator or Representative is supposed to be a part-time job. If we limit how long these SOB’s are in office then everything else they get their hands into will not be an issue. They will only have enough time in session to handle real matters of the nation. Lobbyists power and influence will not be an issue because said politician will know they will only be around for a SHORT period of time. They won’t have the time to work on shady deals, write bogus laws, pander to special interests.

If POTUS is limited to two four year terms then why isn’t Congress limited to the same standards? By allowing these monsters to stay in office for 10, 20, 30 years they are saying they are better than all of us and even POTUS!

OR… do you want more Joe Bidens running the country?!