Glenn Beck Reviews Obama’s “Accomplishments” or Rather Radical Takeover of America

This is the agenda of a hardcore Marxist and yet there are monsters who still are not happy!

Beck cites under the Emperor’s reign he has:
– Passed universal health care
– Ended the war on terror
– Pacified the labor unions
– Lead the largest financial reform in U.S. history
– Created the Credit Protection Agency
– Changed foreign constitutions in support abortion
– Given NATO a leading role over the United States
– Appointed literal socialists, literal communists, literal revolutionaries to high office
– Supported anarchists, communists, and revolutionaries by supporting Occupy Wall Street
– Made it near criminal to have a differing point of view
– Put in place more regulations than could ever be undone
– Allowed the Department of Justice to stop a bid to halt illegal voting
– Controlled what food we can and cannot eat through his wife’s anti-obesity initiatives
– Given the Environmental Protection Agency the ability to regulate carbon emissions
– Doubled the amount of people on food stamps in three and half years
– Enacted a stimulus policy, which blindly threw billions of dollars at green energy companies among other things

What I find even more disturbing in my travels on the net are people swearing that Romney is just like Obama?! Really? Go through the list of the Emperor’s accomplishments again and then make the argument Romney is just like Obama.

Sorry but I’ll take my chances with the capitalist Mitt Romney administration over this Marxist nightmare any day. Keep in mind America what we are trying to do at this point is buy more time. A Romney admin slows things down a bit versus the runaway Obama train! We will have four years to either completely takeover the republican party with common sensed Constitution believing leaders or bring the third party to a level of power where candidates will be a true threat to the establishment.

Andrew Breitbart said it clearly…

Now make a choice America!