Well this apparently wasn’t aired on any of the crap networks except for The Blaze last night. So listen and share for a third perspective on the state of the union.
IMO we need a third party NOW but it cannot be started from the outside and cannot be called TEA Party. Paul, Cruz, Mike Lee and a few others need to breakaway from the republican party and start a 3rd party from inside Congress. Starting from within, leading from within is the only way to legitimize a third party and they better do it soon.
I encourage you all to contact your elected leaders who aren’t part of the establishment to break away from the republican party and push for a third party, but again THEY must take the lead on this. Anything created on the outside will not have legitimacy in the eyes of the people who sat out from voting in ’12 election and crap media. If there are elected leaders breaking away from the Republican party it will be taken more seriously and everyone will know it’s for real this time!