If I recall the emperor as a Senator was looking into ways to tax guns and ammo. As I have warned he will not touch the Second Amendment instead he will seek taxes and regulations to make guns into paper weights in the hands of law-abiding Americans.
His majesty has Janet Napolitano buying up large quantities of ammunition which is another way to disarm us by drying the market up!
Lawmakers eye new taxes on guns, ammo in latest wave of legislation
By Judson Berger|FoxNews.com
If you can’t ban ’em, tax ’em.
Lawmakers looking to more tightly regulate firearms in the wake of the Newtown school shooting and other massacres are moving at the state and federal levels to introduce new taxes on firearms and ammunition.
The proposals range from the modest — a proposed 5 percent tax in New Jersey — to the steep — a proposed 50 percent ammo tax in Maryland. The bills follow efforts to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines and expand background checks, measures that have had mixed success at the state level.
The taxes — much like so-called “sin taxes,” like those on cigarettes — serve a dual purpose. They can deter buyers, while using the extra revenue for favored programs. In this case, the sponsors want to direct the money toward mental health services, police training and victims’ treatment.…read more