Rep. Carolyn Maloney: Next Tamerlan Can Go to Gun Show and Buy All The Guns He Wants

Prepare for the lies to start rolling out from progressives in DC and state governments to get their gun grabbing agenda fulfilled. They will politicize the Boston bombing as much as they are standing on the graves of the children from Newtown.

I don’t care where you stand on the gun debate, you need to understand the real issue is about your rights being attacked by those who want to control every aspect of your life. If we lose the Second Amendment directly or indirectly (via the massive number of draconian laws being proposed/ passed) you can say goodbye to what’s left of the Bill of Rights.

The monsters know in order to switch this machine of theirs on to control all of our lives they must destroy our gun rights. What happened in Cyprus is a perfect example, as the govt seized the people’s money and they were left defenseless to do anything! If that were to happen here today we all know what would happen and trust me so do the powers that be. It’s why what happened in Cyprus hasn’t happened here… yet. When they disarm us you will see events like that in the US!