Allen West Thunders Away at DC: Obama, Senate, and House ‘Believe in the Dependency Society’

“What Obama, what the Senate and what some members of the House believe in they don’t believe in the opportunity society. They believe in the dependency society. They believe in more people they can have trusting in them and not trusting in God, then they will be the ones to stay in power. I say that is not the way in this country.”

West speaking at the DC March for Jobs started out slamming so-called “black leaders” who are just “towing the line for progressive socialism”. This was by far is one of the best speeches I have heard Lt Col Allen West give. I am going to go out on a limb and say it had presidential candidate overtones!

Most of his speech focuses on love of our country and to take care of Americans first that we do not take the backseat but “Americans ride in front seat of this bus”. The politicians he blasts are those prepared to pass an ILLEGAL ALIEN amnesty bill which will hurt not just the black community but all Americans. He makes it clear this new struggle is not about being black, white, hispanic but preserving freedom.

“…if we’re not careful you have politicians that are willing for their own interests to sell it [freedom] away. You have politicians that don’t care about the legacy you want to pass on to your children and grandchildren. They only care about “what keeps me up here in Washington DC?” Well I’ll tell you what send them all home if they don’t believe in this great nation!”

We have to fight, stand against DC and do everything that is humanly possible to stop all immigration bills from even getting to the House floor for a vote. The economic and social chaos the ILLEGAL ALIEN amnesty bill will have on this country will be irreversible. We need to first get Americans back to work, make sure our children are getting a proper education, take care of our communities, secure our border before we open the doors to millions who have no respect for any of us! West even stresses that we must ensure that 200 years from now the language spoken in this country is english. I believe he says this because those infiltrating the US don’t assimilate into our culture because they don’t care! They are just here for the free stuff, getting to the front of the bus which only keeps radical politicians in power who cater to them.

Tell DC NO ILLEGAL ALIEN AMNESTY! Secure the border, protect our people and nation is priority!