“I don’t trust anything the Republicans say. I don’t trust anything the Democrats say. I don’t trust anything that this government says. You’ve so violated our trust, I don’t know what’s real anymore.”
Love Beck or hate him this leaves you wondering because this is the second time a US Sec of State has had a personal “emergency” with a scandal arising. Hillary with her head injury from a fall delaying testimony on Benghazi and now Kerry’s wife falling ill after he was MIA during the coup in Egypt busy playing on his yacht. For the record no witnesses have come forward to this day on either to confirm or deny.
I don’t consider this conspiracy when you look at the bigger picture, both Sec’s in the midst of a scandal bail themselves out with medical emergencies! What are the odds of that happening? If both medical emergencies are true well we are left to be skeptical because this government does nothing but lie to us so we don’t know what to believe anymore.
This is what happens why you cry wolf 24/7, something possibly legit is denied! God help us when something serious does happen because we won’t believe them!