Race Hustlers in Full Force to Capitalize Off Zimmerman Verdict While America Remains Silent

It is unanimously clear facts are irrelevant to the race hustlers who were out in full force on the Sunday morning news circuit! These people need to make everything about race to keep the paycheck coming in. We as a nation are/were fine, it is these race hustlers and especially Obama who are creating division among Americans. I can’t put it into words any better than radio host Matt “MANCOW” Muller did so perfectly yesterday…

The Zimmerman case never had anything to do with race. Zimmerman’s 911 call was proof of that as he didn’t know who was walking suspiciously up the street on that fateful night. That doesn’t matter though these racists took to the airwaves pushing a new offensive making some of the most outrageous comments we have heard in quite a while. You would think we were back in the pre-civil rights era the way they all carried on, watch:

(mult vids in player click playlist button to advance to next vid)

So I ask everyone who is sick and tired hearing about this case why are you silent? As I have asked repeatedly about politicians I will ask about these degenerates:
WHERE ARE THE PROTESTS & BOYCOTTS AGAINST JACKSON, SHARPTON, JONES, MSNBC etc? You can “go after” these people too, you do know that right? “Civilians” are not off limits in the battle we have been forced into! These people… these Monsters have no problem going after pundits on the right like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, Sarah Palin, conservative activists & celebrities etc, why America do you CONSTANTLY insist on playing nice with the certified destroyers of the Republic?

Those directly responsible for half of our headaches are being given a free pass BY YOU to continue business as usual! They demonize you, me and everyone who doesn’t agree with their radical policies with no repercussions. Are you that scared of Melissa Harris Perry? Do you fear Van Jones? Are you afraid Jesse Jackson might get you? Really, seriously!? You all realize they are just a few in size where we are millions strong!

I know many are sitting home, at work, out with your close circle of friends/family venting, but then you clam up around others. What’s the problem? You’re all for the Constitution and freedom of speech until you get a little concerned you might offend someone else…a stranger? I mean what happened…

What the hell is wrong with you?

This next round of headaches coming for all of us is your fault for being silent. It’s your fault for sitting back while they bulldoze over all of us. No one has stood up against them, not the politicans but these monsters and let me tell you Pandora’s Box has been opened wide thanks to the Zimmerman verdict. I know the majority of people will sit back and take it, “oh well you know they are upset”, yeah SO AM I for being blamed for everything!!

Not to act, is to act. Not to speak, is to speak. YOUR SILENCE IS THEIR POWER!

Take their power away!

It’s time these monsters learn a lesson that their words and actions have consequences rise up, civil within the rule of law!

str tactics of our own