This is the full Hannity special on Mark Levin’s new book “The Liberty Amendments”. I cannot do it justice trying to sum up the Great Ones words! Make the time to watch this as Levin makes the case that Article 5 was created by the Founders to give the people power to do something against an oppressive government through the state’s ability to amend the Constitution. This is the only way for the American people in a civil, legal way to reclaim the Republic.
The Founders thought ahead knowing we would again be in a mess under the thumbs of tyrants. The phone calls, emails etc don’t work anymore, and with politicians gerrymandering their districts it’s getting harder and harder to kick them out. Constitutionally Article 5 is our last line of defense to take the power back. With the current state of the US it will be quite hard but if you are looking for something to mobilize behind, a new cause to champion then this is it!