This is great campaign of civil disobedience taking a page right from the lefts playbook. What will the regime do if everyone just refuses to buy into obamcare? Let’s take it to the next level from what Kibbe is suggesting and not pay the fine either! What will they do to millions? You going to lock up millions of people because they are being forced to buy something they don’t want? Will that be the prosecution’s case?
“Well your honor the defendants refuse to take part in obamacare which was upheld in the Supreme Court. They claim they are being forced to buy something they don’t want. It’s the law of the land that the president has violated multiple times already but please lock them up anyway!”
You see folks this is how we win. If it’s one or two people or groups then yes they win. But if you muster up millions to refuse participation and take it a step further to not pay the fine what can they do? They don’t have the muscle at the IRS to lock everyone up regardless of what you hear from alarmist websites.