Obama Zombies Sign Petition Supporting Infanticide as Part of ObamaCare (Post-Birth Abortion)

It’s monday and that means it’s time for another insane example of the 51% who elected obama into office. Mark Dice cannot be anymore explicit spelling out this petition is for post-birth abortion and the drones sign away!

“It’s an option that some parents will take up if they don’t want the burden of raising the child themselves they can just infanticide the child. It’s like a homicide for children under three.”

“If you wanted to do like a post-birth abortion just going to alleviate the burden of having a child it’s it’s your right to do that in America…”

These people are an example of how successful the progressive agenda has been in re-programming while also completely desensitizing people! Laugh and mock this because it’s from CA just remember these are people who think the same way as countless others across this country.