The Great Food Stamp Binge (Full Special)

Well you have surely seen clips about rampant food stamps use, this is the entire Fox News special.

Specials like this are needed but rarely any action is ever taken to curb the abuse or the true underlying problems with the US that gets reported.

There are plenty of examples of abuse like the surfer bum, but who is really to blame for people like him? Is he to blame or is he a symptom of the growing nanny state that caters to people like him? If the system worked he would have been cut off a long time ago. What this special shows is the problem with govt pandering to wastes of oxygen so the corrupt can stay in power. This abuse of course has spiked since Obama came to power, his quest is to create a permanent dependent entitlement voting class!

The other issue which is more legit is lack of jobs due to this regimes horrible economic policies. Every step taken is anti-business pro big govt via taxes and regulations. There is no incentive to the entrepreneur anymore as they are looked on as the enemy. The regimes policies punish business and through nightmare laws like Obamacare cause cutbacks, downsizing and in some cases closure. So this is how you get a nation to 47 million on govt aid; that’s 1 in 7 Americans!

If govt would get the hell out of businesses way maybe so many wouldn’t be on food stamps and instead be working! This would allow time and resources to refine the system helping those who truly need it while cracking down on the surfer bums and those committing fraud.