If Jeffrey Babbitt was black beaten to death by a white guy who walked though Union Square saying he was “going to hit the first black man he see’s” we wouldn’t even know what’s going on in Syria, Obamacare, NSA etc! The crap media would be too busy to cover the other news stories calling for the “white racist” to be lynched!
Once again the burden is on we the people to call out the crap media and the race hustlers for being the true racists we all know they are. They go nuts over any white on black crime committed, if the opposite happens, and the racists even acknowledge it happened, they’ll spin it in some manner that the crime has nothing to do with race.
I’m sick of the double standards and tired of people in this country being silent. I shouldn’t have to share a video like this, it should already be viral but I know many are too busy, don’t want to upset anyone or completely complicit. Keep it up folks you are quickly losing your country!