People are not going back to full-time work, the ones who are getting jobs are only going into part-time jobs, which do not pay enough. This is what is forcing so many to rely on government assistance causing the number of US households on food stamps to reach another record high. The imperial regime has erased the stigma of being on food stamps and makes it “okay”. Welfare was for those truly down and out but the obama regime has made things easier for folks to be on the government dole, this along with the damage coming from obamacare IS wrecking the US economy. Remember it was the Clinton admin that made things tough for those on the system and obama reversed that. Obama wants the nation of dependents, because with dependency comes power & control.
People are making out better being on the system rather than getting a job. The US in obama’s eyes is too rich of a nation and through his radical policies he wants to bring our standard of living down. Our standard of living and way of life has always been a beacon for other nations to strive for. It is why people risk their lives to come here! And what do our elected leaders do to combat this? NOTHING! No they are too busy looking for ways to allow another 11++ million into the country.
Has anyone considered what will happen to the food stamp program when ILLEGAL ALIENS are granted amnesty?! Hmm? No of course not, no one thinks that far ahead its about getting the votes now to stay in power permanently!