Megyn Kelly: Are ObamaCare’s Promises Panning Out?

The headlines day after day prove obama lied through his teeth to get votes and power at the cost of the best run healthcare system in the world. All of you that voted for obama because you believed his lies about healthcare have blood on your hands!

Too harsh of a statement? No I don’t think so. “Blood” can mean many things from people’s jobs, workers hours getting cut, to skyrocketing premiums and costs. We had a slight taste of it in the literal sense this past summer when debate arose over Sarah Murnaghan, the 12 yr old who was in need of a lung transplant. During debate over whether or not she should new lungs, from an adult donor, because of her age HHS Secretary Sebelius made a heartless comment that “…someone lives and someone dies“. You can be sure we will see more of that and a drop in the level of care when the obaminable law is fully implemented.

Millions of Americans warned against what is happening right now where you obama supporters chose to denigrate us, call us names, racists, bigots etc. How does it feel now as you have your hours cut or even suffer jobless, raising health costs because of obamacare? You did this, it’s all yours and we will make each and every one of you eat your words for supporting the liar occupying the WH.