3 videos are worth a thousand words! There is no way for obama to escape the fact that he outright lied to get elected in 2008 about obamacare. Then during the 2012 election he deliberately delayed the rollout of regulations etc to keep the bad news we are getting on a daily basis now from affecting his re-election campaign.
Worst off the regime KNEW in 2010 millions would lose their health plans yet he continued to push his lies about obamacare to the masses then and throughout the 2012 election.
This is the ultimate bait and switch possibly in US history. Prepare America for the push to single payer. Honestly I though it would take longer for obamacare to tank but it is happening faster. This is possible because his approval is so dismal and some are starting to see what many of us have been saying for years. Plans to get single payer implemented are probably being accelerated because under it gives the government more power and control over the people!