ESPN Panelist: National Anthem ‘War Anthem’ That Should Not Be Used Before Games

The National Anthem is not some battle/ “war anthem” sung on the eve of combat calling for the blood of our enemies! It is a song that attributes to our country’s patriotism and determination to fight for and win freedom and how our Flag is a beacon of liberty. We sing it at sports event to celebrate our freedom, liberty and honor those who have fallen PROVIDING us the very freedoms we have like going to a ballgame! Blackistone continued stating the NFL is embracing the mythology of fallen soldier Pat Tillman!

I don’t know who this clown, Blackistone, is nor do I care! What I do know is sportscasters need to keep their mouths shut on politics and focus on the game. The two don’t and have never mixed well with many not knowing what they are talking about making inflammatory comments based on their twisted views. We have had enough of the Keith Olbermann types, that model doesn’t work! This is just more anti-American sentiment coming from the progressive camp infesting every corner of this country.