Varney, “..would you throw them out?”, Brewer “….Yes”.
Finally someone has the guts to say what has to be done! Brewer was responding to Sen Cruz’s recent statements that the GOP needs to stay away from amnesty because it will ruin any chance the GOP has to take the Senate.
The only discussion that these dopes in the republican party need to be having is securing the border. It is dangerous for our border to be so wide open you could park an aircraft carrier on it and no one would know. If the govt is so concerned for our security as yourselves why we have to practically strip to get on a plane while the border is wide open!?
11+ million low educated, unskilled workers offer nothing to the US and our economy. They will only put a drain on the system increasing unemployment and the abuse of our social entitlement system which was never designed to sustain so many. As far as throwing them out we don’t have to physically do it! Through legislation and other means we can make it difficult for one to exist in this nation if they are here illegally. Those in the shadows are half way out let’s make life difficult for them so that they will want to leave instead of staying!
John Boehner, Paul Ryan are producing an amnesty bill their big donors want. They are not listening to the people. We’re a nation of laws not men, and these guys need that explained to them!