Mark Levin Goes Off on US Chamber of Commerce Head Thomas Donahue “Declared War We the Taxpayers”

The US Chamber of Commerce is run by a bunch of progressives who are backing RINOs who want amnesty. These organizations do not care about the American people, they only care about getting richer and increasing their power. How can you be for American businesses while being a supporter of illegal immigrants? This Donahue doesn’t care about the American worker he cares about the immigrant worker.. heck I’ll say it he is in fact encouraging having slave labor in the US. That is why so many want illegal alien amnesty to get lower skilled low wage workers here because what they get paid in the US (at a slave wage) is still much higher from what they will make in Mexico or wherever else they’re coming from.

This elitist like the RINO progressives is taking up a fight against Americans and TEA Party candidates like you and I for the benefit of corporations who want to hire illegals! This is corporate cronyism in full effect that is plaguing DC.