College Students Fail Bill of Rights Quiz, Don’t Know Their Basic Rights

The future of America incapable of answering simple questions about that dusty old document they live under and take for granted daily! How many of these dopes (and I mean that b/c half are probably high), who you know are taking useless majors, run around screaming they have rights yet can’t cite any!? I applaud Mark Dice for shaming them all for not knowing our Bill of Rights and making it clear they are “part of the reason this country is going down the toilet”!

We can’t solely blame these mindless obamarhoids as they are a product of an anti-Constitutional movement that is prevalent in the educational system. We know the NEA and other teachers unions care only about teachers rights, tenure and pay rather than making sure our children & young adults are taught about our Constitution and the things they need to know to survive. Why do you think Common Core is being pushed? It simplifies everything removing ones ability to learn/ utilize critical thought while rewriting erasing history painting communism for example as something great and wonderful or how Ronald Reagan was a sexist!