Minister of Health Sebelius like other regime members continues to lie and deceive the people. You will never see her on any conservative network or news media because she knows they will hang her on her own words. So she hides in plain sight on one of the many propaganda networks more than happy to play a role in the demise of the USA. Waaay back in Sept 2013 Sebelius is the one who said 7 million sign ups to barackobamacare would be ideal NOT the CBO! Don’t take my word for it, here she is in her own words….
I heard no mention of the CBO in that clip from NBC. These people running the US into the ground are so emboldened they do not fear the people and obviously the media. They are being permitted to run wild, push lies unchallenged and let me tell all of you dirtbags that call yourselves journalists you have so much blood on your hands it’s never going to wash off! That goes for you wastes of flesh in Congress especially those of you who attacked Ted Cruz and company instead of backing him. He was right you ALL were wrong! God help all of you when SHTF because we the Rebels are keeping a record of everything you have done!