Dr Ben Carson: Current Political Correct Environment is Like Nazi Germany

You can be sure the crap media and all the lefts hitmen will be going after Dr Ben Carson for making this comparison but it is true. Political correctness has been completely weaponized by the left and those in government to silence anyone with a difference in opinion. Those who attack Carson for what he is saying are in fact doing the very thing he warns about! The left doesn’t want to have the debate anymore on a number of issues because they do not want to be exposed as scam artists and liars; a perfect example is climate change.

How many times have you heard those who believe in climate change, be it politicians to activists, say “the debate is over” and then demonize skeptics who says “no it isn’t, there is no solid scientific proof”!? I’ve lost count at the number of times those attacked as skeptics/ deniers have been silenced and even denied a debate! John Stossel had a show where a climate change activist REFUSED to be on camera at the same time as a skeptic! My apologies I am unable to locate the clip but the show did air with the two taking turns coming on stage and making their case. Al Gore has refused repeatedly to debate anyone on climate even the opportunity to make money off of a pay per view debate with Christopher Monckton!

We are now in a situation where you either agree with whatever the narrative is our you are attacked relentlessly. These people that go on the attack act like fascists demanding obedience and compliance through threats of boycotts, smearing of ones name and reputation, showing up on people’s doorstep in the middle of the night and in extreme cases physical threats. That boys and girls is what Dr Carson is referring to when he makes the comparison to Nazi Germany.

h/t Breitbart