Ed Schultz Lashes Out at ‘Asshole’ Radio Caller, ‘Get the F*ck Outta Here!’

Love it when this monster shows his true self! Could you imagine if Glenn Beck, Rush, Hannity or Mark Levin went off on a caller using this kind of language on air?! The obamastream media would be going nuts demanding them to pay hefty fines no doubt in the 6-7 figure range and that they should be fired. As usual a radical progressive thug can run his mouth and will never get a knock on the door by the FCC. Where’s Howard Stern calling for this guy to get nailed btw? Stern was being fined for used medical terms of body parts at one point!

Maybe this was missed by the FCC when it aired because Ed FAT F%^# Schultz has like 3 listeners. How many people have been fined after the fact though? Schultz probably won’t get a slap on the wrist knowing this corrupt govt!