Victims Father Blames Politicians and the NRA For Mass Killing Rampage

“Chris died because of craven, irresponsible politicians and the NRA.”

I truly feel for Mr Martinez but it is ABSOLUTELY UNDENIABLY not the fault of politicians(as much as we detest them) or the NRA for what this mass killer did in Isla Vista, CA. This kid, this young man of 22 was filled with pure hate who was hell-bent on killing as many people as possible…

I would suggest everyone watch his videos, read the 140 page manifesto to see how the mind of a mentally sick person, a killer, works!

The killer not only took lives with LEGALLY obtained handguns but he also used his car as a weapon driving into people & crowds. One of his fatal victims was a cyclist who was hit so hard they went through the windshield of the killers BMW!

When a sick evil human being makes the decision to kill they will carry it out with whatever weapon is available to them. The killer in fact did that last night and explains in his manifesto about other methods he would use via knives, hammer, boiling water, SUV to kill besides using a gun!

I cannot prove it, yet, but his ramblings and rants fit that of an entitlement brat gone off the deep end. He carried on about how intelligent, beautiful and the true gentleman he is, who wore the nicest clothes, drove luxury cars and lived an extravagant life but claims he is the victim of this cruel world. Sounds to me like someone who was told growing up “you are the best”, “you can be anything you want, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise” etc etc…. words that I have pointed out Oprah Winfrey, along with many others, rammed down an entire generation throats. This is what happens when you tell people “yes” all the time never allow them to experience rejection never tell them they aren’t good at something. I can only assume, from his words in the videos and skimming over his 140 page manifesto, this killer was told “yes” his whole life by his family, given only the best shielded from the real world. He clearly came from a life of privilege. I hope a few HONEST psychologists/ psychiatrists will say this kid epitomizes the entitlement mentality.

Update: Title was changed b/c ppl were confusing the old title (Father of Mass Killing Rampage Victim Blames Politicians and the NRA) that this man speaking was the killers father…