The left continues their outstanding propaganda campaign to demonize Americans making Murrieta CA protesters the bad guys for simply wanting the law upheld and defending their home. We aren’t the ones who broke the law entering the US. We aren’t the ones who pose a national security & health risk. We aren’t the ones will have a negative impact on the economy and so on.
America you are losing this battle to the progressive machine that controls the airwaves. The media does not want to address the real issues with this dumping of illegals. They want to focus on the humanitarian side and the illegals needs. What about Americans needs and concerns? Fact is we the people are now second class citizens to illegal aliens. The corrupt media and ruling elite care more about the illegals than American citizens. We have record numbers of Americans unemployed, in poverty and lets not forget those who are homeless and our vets that have been written off! Priority now is illegal aliens and their needs and wants! Let’s get something straight all of you professional PR consultants and politically correct drones these people ARE ILLEGAL ALIENS. Are the legally in the USA? NO! So they are illegal deal with it!
Here’s the deal libs, what are you going to do with them when they are all allowed in? Will you open your home to them feed, cloth and fund them? What are you going to do when your hours or pay is cut to compensate for hiring illegals? What are you going to do when your kids go to school with the illegals kids and your children are forced to learn spanish because illegals REFUSE to assimilate in US culture? What will you do when your kids get sick from illegals because they ARE NOT getting proper medial screenings, let alone being quarantined? What are you going to do when you go to the hospital and the wait is even longer than it is now because of the influx of illegals? What I can tell you what you won’t be doing is blaming any conservative, TEA party, republicans or George Bush for this manufactured chaos!
You pro-amnesty people have no idea what the long-term effects will be on this nation. We already have economic and social indicators proving it will not end well for the US. Just understand you will be blamed for this mess because your fingerprint are all over it right next to obamas!