Thank you democrats and all you entitlement dopes out there for electing this certified POS of a president! Everything Levin said in this rant is 100% dead on! One major event after another and this guy pretending to be president is MIA or completely detached from reality. People are dying, countries are on the verge of all out war, the economy is on the brink, the US is under invasion and what does obama do? NOTHING!
Obama is clearly incompetent but his actions are those of a lazy student or employee just going through the motions. If anything his detachment from reality only strengthens people’s arguments that he is not running the White House and Valerie Jarrett is! No one can get close to the obama’s, they have to go through Jarrett! So this guy making speeches about building roads and bridges, golfing 24/7, lavish vacations and going fundraising while the world burns leaves one to conclude he is not running this country! Hope he has a screw loose because if its deliberate, which many of us truly believe, God help us when SHTF on US soil!