Sheriff Arpaio is 100% correct that this border crisis was calculated to give emperor obama the political ammo he needs to bypass Congress. Emperor obama cooked up this “humanitarian crisis” because he knows the moment these illegals set foot in the US there is no way they will be sent back. To this day we have no explanation why the media in Central America was telling people to come here. Meanwhile the regime has been making preparations to transport illegals since Jan 2013! It’s clear the emperor wants to build a new voting block by baiting them with free stuff and the promises of amnesty. Congress is complicit with this action as each faction of the progressive machine is fighting for a piece of these future voters. Both parties sit on the sidelines pointing the finger of blame resulting in no action as this “crisis” builds at an accelerated rate. That is all his majesty needs to take action on his own since Congress has set the precedent of not standing up against his power grabs.
We the people of course lose either way and have been cast to the wayside. Our “leaders” care more for illegals than us and this nation. Look at how much money is being funneled to feed, cloth, medicate etc illegals; they are getting better care in some cases than our own homeless population and even our veterans!