Obama States ‘World Appalled by the Brutal Murder of Foley’…. Goes Back on Vacation

Emperor obama condemned the murder of James Foley claiming the world is “appalled”, but he offered no plans, no actions nothing in retaliation to this murder or the threats made to the US.

Guess what he did do after this photo op?


This CLOWN went and played another round of golf!

British Prime Minister David Cameron cut his vacation short to address the ISIS threat especially after the terrorist in the video spoke with a British accent! Where’s the leader of the free world? Right back on vacation without a care in the world. After every single major event obama goes back to playing games, photo ops, talk show appearances and fundraisers. He doesn’t care that one American was beheaded, another Steven Sotloff, will face the same fate. He doesn’t care about the threats made against our allies and the Homeland! He is complicit with the rise of radical islam and the caliphate.

Obama is not a leader and all the blood spilled by these terrorists who are Al Qaeda on steroids, are on his AND the democrat party’s hands! Dems deserve to be blasted because he is the head of their party and not one of them has come out to condemn his lack of action.