Two DREAMers Taken to the Woodshed By Congressman After Trying to Ambush Him on Ending DACA

FYI to DREAMers out there planning to ambush more congressmen/women at their fundraisers, the rule of law supersedes what you feel, think or want! The US is a nation of laws and we will not allow you to bring your country’s lawlessness into ours!

At every turn Rep Steve King countered the arguments these two illegal aliens, Erika Andiola & Cesar Vargas, were making even embarrassing them for trying to justify being here illegally with their families. These two illegal aliens were in fact advocating lawlessness in the US while trying to get King to say something offensive on tape and Erika Andiola was practically begging him to tear up her DACA card.

Yes that was Rand Paul choking on his burger quickly running away as soon as he heard the two say they were illegal!