Talk about fear mongering! It’s amazing that years after climate-gate people still believe the lies being pushed by climate changers. The temperature of the earth has remained unchanged for well over 15 years and the polar ice caps Al Gore swore would be melted by now have doubled in size.
Someday an actual journalist is going to challenge all these scam artists with a simple question:
Please explain how raising taxes, fining and regulating companies out of business is going to reduce life producing CO2 levels?
Life producing?! Yes, without CO2 we are dead! For those of you out there that ignored Biology 101 plant life feeds off of CO2 and produces O2 for us to live! No argument with Lurch over the jobs and economic prosperity alternative fuels can create not to mention we could finally stick it to the middle east being energy independent. But the power elite are ramming fake science down our throats while punishing companies. Climate change is utter nonsense and it can’t be that bad since China and India aren’t being called out for the massive amount of pollution they are causing! When they and all the Hollywood bobbleheads start walking the walk then we can talk. As long as Gore and DiCaprio are flying around the world in their private jets, taking long cruises on their yachts and living in their big lavish energy-consuming homes I don’t want to hear it!