These high-profile police abuse cases have had nothing to do with racism. Race was never an issue and never spoke of by anyone except the race hustlers like de Blasio, Holder, obama, Sharpton etc etc. Before we go it’s time to start calling race hustlers what they really are = racists. Yes de Commio can be racist regardless of who he is married to!
Darren Wilson defended himself after being assaulted by Mike Brown. Eric Garner died because officer Daniel Pantaleo allegedly used excessive force with a chokehold that was outlawed by the NYPD. Nothing has been reported from either grand jury that race ever played a role in the death of Brown of Garner.
It is abundantly clear that the power elite from Mayor de Blasio to Holder and obama are hell-bent to use race as a means to power grabs. Obama has already announced that he has to be involved “When anybody in this country is not being treated equally under the law, that’s a problem. And it’s my job as president to help solve it.†This all great but the only time he cares to get involved is when its white on black! As for Holder he is always quick to insert DOJ in local matters when it is white on black crimes. The two are always MIA when there is black on white and black on black crime. That said is there no doubt who the real racists are!?