Rep Rangel: Police Turning Backs on de Blasio at Funeral Was in “Bad Taste”

I guess this dope feels left out since Sharpton and de Blasio have all the attention, so again he has to try to insert himself in a controversy. The Mayor already created a rift with the police where Rangel running his mouth only makes the problem worse. The left cannot keep their mouth shut ever when something bad happens in this country. Rangel has a lot of nerve saying we should be more considerate of others not pointing the finger of blame when he and his communist ilk do it 24/7. “Now is not time to point fingers” but that is exactly what he just did taking shots at NYPD officers who turned their backs on de Blasio. These commie dirtbags always rant about how we all should behave and communicate (you know “do as I say not as I do”) but they are the ones with blood on their hands, always.. ALWAYS starting trouble! If anything this just demonstrates how progressives aka communists are constantly throwing gasoline on the fire.

Sorry there is no other way to say it than Charlie shut the hell up!