Jeb Bush Promises “Meaningful Immigration Reform” aka Amnesty in Response to Hecklers

Well big whoopdeedo Jeb Bush made it official today he was running for POTUS. A few times during his speech illegal immigration protesters could be heard screaming some babble over the crowd to which Bush finally responded. Being a former B2B sales rep I speak bullshit. Jeb is more or less promising he will get amnesty through Congress compared to emperor obama’s edict from the imperial throne room that has been sandbagged by federal courts!

This Bush clown promising to get immigration done, most likely in a comprehensive bill, is not going to sell well to the American people. We know what happens when he DC destroyers create comprehensive reforms: lots of wasteful spending, pork going everywhere but to the actual cause, the current system being thrown in complete chaos etc.

All the true conservatives I know want no part of immigration reform in the way Bush and the other progressives in the GOP are calling for. We want to see the border locked down first before any laws are passed. We want the brakes put on the visa system until there is a solid count of who is here that’s supposed to be here and those on expired visas are located and thrown out. Conservatives want the flow of free stuff (money, food, education, healthcare etc) to illegals cutoff completely. What illegals are doing by siphoning these systems dry is outright theft from the American taxpayers. Next we want to see illegals pay the back taxes they owe to the American people. We want the laws already on the books enforced. We the sane also want to see America have some respect for itself where businesses, schools etc will put an end to pandering to illegals (i.e. “Press 1 for English”, bilingual signage etc). If these things happen many illegals (DACA, DAPA, whatever they want to call themselves) will self-deport because they will realize they cannot exist in the US. As for the claims of breaking families up, there is no gun to any ones head to stay in the US. If the parents are deported the kids and whomever else can go right with back to wherever they came from!

Jeb is selling amnesty under the guise of immigration reform and I’m here to say the majority of America isn’t interested. So DC, GOP establishment and your consultant class go right ahead and have your stupid election between Bush and Clinton. You want the people to completely turn on you? You’re going to get exactly that when you screw us again in 2016.