Obama will remain defiant of the law swearing his executive orders are within his legal authority to grant amnesty to 11 million+ illegal aliens. His statements in the past and today are those of a man who believes he is above the law and the separation of powers do not exist. The executive branch does not have the power to legislate and he knows it. Since immigration is dealt with under DHS which is a cabinet position he found a backdoor to push his destructive agenda.
He knows the clock is counting down where he only has a year and half left to grant legal status to these undocumented democrat voters. Congress needs to step in and pass new legislation that restricts executive orders when they effect the nation as his amnesty directive will do. It puts a strain on our economy, healthcare system social entitlement (which illegals have never paid into) etc. We cannot take on more “mouths to feed” when we can’t even take care of our own.
I think the only reason he is frustrated with the courts is because they are courts he hasn’t had the opportunity to appoint one of his political activist judges to secure his legacy.