The bodies are still warm but that didn’t stop obama from pushing for gun control after the mass killing in Charleston, SC. Now is not the time to politicize a tragedy but obama cant help himself because you never let a good crisis go to waste!
He claims gun violence like this doesn’t happen in other advanced countries says who? Where is he getting his facts from because when you look at gun crime per capita we’re doing pretty damn good.
As for his comment on the killer having no problem getting his hands on the gun… his majesty left out a small detail. The killers father, who KNEW his son had problems, bought the gun as 21st birthday gift so it isn’t like the killer got the gun in an ally, at a gun show etc. Nice barry, keep on misleading the public for your radical destructive agenda. It must kill him knowing the killer used a pistol and not an evil AR-15!
Oh by the way where was this anti-gun rant with the uptick in violence in Baltimore? How many were killed in Chicago this week? Oh that’s right none of it matters because all those killings/shootings were all black on black!