It’s a rarity to see and hear progs tell the truth. Chris “Tingles” Matthews has probably rattled the cages of many on the left admitting in what one will call a Freudian Slip that democrats only want illegal aliens in the US for their votes.
We have known this for quite some time but it’s nice to hear it validating what we have always known. Democrats couldn’t careless about the illegals coming into the US. Too bad illegals can’t be convinced to stay put and their quest to come here will only result in some twisted modern-day form of slavery. If a 100 cross the border, half die and the other half live long enough to be given legal status to vote dem, democrat progs are very happy. But let’s also be honest there are many progressive repubs who share the same belief as the dems. Progressives are the biggest threat to this country because they will use and abuse anyone to hold onto power while getting rich.