Those in attendance at the Value Voters Summit are a snapshot of the cheers and joy conservatives felt today when John Boehner announced his resignation today.
The SOB’s in DC said “we need the House”. We gave them the House. Then they said “we need the Senate”. We gave them the Senate. With a 2/3 majority repubs claim they need the White House to get anything done. That’s completely untrue, as the problem with not getting anything done has to do with the republican leadership. John Boehner played a key role in that problem and he is now on his way out. None of his lackeys/ supporters can be permitted to succeed him. If Kevin McCarthy is chosen he will only continue where John left off. The Constitution provides more than enough tool to reign in an out of control dictator like obama. The problem is the current roster of Congressional republican leadership is corrupt with progressives who make excuses and have no will to do what is necessary to stop obama. True conservatives have to take over the leadership in DC, as Rubio points out in his speech today “time has come to turn the page to allow a new generation of leadership in this country“.
Now all we have to do is get Mitch “Harry Reid-Lite” McConnell out as Senate Maj Ldr and maybe just maybe this crazy ride we’re on can be slowed down. Will new conservative leadership stop us from going off the cliff? No. At this point we need find those who can do everything possible to soften the crash landing.