Here we have Chris “Tingles” Matthews attacking Ted Cruz pulling the McCarthyism card because Cruz questions Trump’s tax situation(suggesting potential mob ties). Why is the liberal media coming to Trump’s, a GOP candidate, defense?!
Trump supporters for a min consider this… does it make any sense to you the liberal left defends Trump? Since when has it been a good thing when libs are picking GOP candidates? They want a candidate who is closest to their views. They want a GOP candidate they think will be easy to beat against whomever they nominate, its not the other way around. In a sane world this would normally be a huge red flag!
You’ve heard some of the things coming out against Trump from die-hard conservatives who are rightfully vetting him that upset you. That’s right now from what’s been discovered so far, God only knows what the left is sitting on.
Case in point, there is an alleged off-the-record recording the New York Times is in possession of on Trumps immigration stance. YOU KNOW there is no love lost between Trump and the NYT who he trashes A LOT. Why would they sit on this audio unless they are waiting for him to get the nomination and then join the rest of the liberal media to destroy him. Do you really want to say/ refer to Pres Clinton for the next 4 years?! Do you have any idea the hell that will come from her radical regime?
Come on Trump supporters get out of this spell he has you under. When you have hardcore progressive radicals like Chris Matthews coming to Trump’s defense you should be running to the hills from him as fast as you can!