“I was treated like dirt, I was called a liar”
Remember Pat Smith? Her son Sean died with Amb Stevens in Benghazi, she is a Gold Star mother who is being trashed for speaking at the GOP convention in the same manner the Khans spoke at the DNC convention. How is it that Smith is trashed, especially by a worm like Chris Matthews, speaking on behalf of Trump as she blasted Hillary for her sons death but the Khans are praised? Where does the left get this kind power? Why is the GOP Whig Party doing nothing to stand up for her as Trump again took the dems bait to destroy himself?
Meanwhile Clinton more or less doubled down calling Pat Smith and Charles Woods liars and there is complete silence from the right!
Good job Reince Priebus you’re doing one hell of a job running what should be the easiest election to win in US history and turning it into a complete and total cluster f_ck!