Trump Suggests “Second Amendment People” May Be Only Solution to Clinton Judicial Picks

“If she gets to pick her judges nothing you can do… Although the 2nd Amendment people maybe there is”

For all that is holy… what in the blue hell is wrong with this guy more or less suggesting an armed insurreection? That is what he is saying here so don’t even try to make excuses. And we know all his surrogates will be rushing to the cameras to tell us what he really said/ meant even though it’s right there for us all to see and hear.


The entire news cycle of the day WAS on the Orlando terrorists father, a supporter of the Taliban, being at a Clinton rally supporting her. But now Donald once again takes all the wind out of criticizing Hillary for saying something profoundly galactically stupid!

Many people as expected are saying what he said isn’t what he said, that he meant 2A people will come out and vote to stop Clinton. That’s not what he said folks. Trump was speaking in the past tense, that Hillary as POTUS would be making these anti-2A judicial appointments and theres “nothing you can do… Although the 2nd Amendment people maybe there is.”

I know many of you are die-hard supporters but there is no way, no way this guy is this stupid or arrogant to be constantly torpedoing his own campaign like this. Everyday he is saying something that only helps Clinton. She doesn’t have to do ads or even make anything up. All she has to do is play Trump in his own words to win voters!