Before Anderson Cooper, Martha Raddatz, Hillary Clinton speak or any question sent in by Americans is answered at the Second Presidential Town Hall Debate Donald Trump MUST say:
“As you all are aware I made some comments, in private 11 years ago that were caught on audio. I have issued an apology and I again apologize to anyone who is offended or harmed by my words.
Bill Clinton is not… let me be clear IS NOT running for President of the United States but his wife, my challenger fmr Sec Hillary Clinton is. The Sec stood by her husband from his time as the Gov of Ark to being President after numerous allegations and charges of rape and sexual misconduct up to and including the molestation of an intern in the Oval Office. She named called, berated, mocked, launched attacks and did everything within her power even to the degree of destroying the lives of her husbands victims! [Trump should hold picture up of the women]
In 1975 a 42 year old man raped a 12 year old girl Mrs Clinton volunteered to defend. She told the judge the child made up the story of her rape because she fantasized about being with older men. The rapist was subsequently found not guilty and freed. In 1980 Mrs Clinton admitted in an interview she knew her client was guilty of raping the girl as she laughed about it. [Trump should hold up a picture of Kathy Shelton when she was 12]
Mrs Clinton has accepted large donations from nations who oppress and punish women and people living alternative lifestyles. Why aren’t we having that conversation, that she is an enabler of abuse against women, if she is this supposed champion for feminism and freedom for that matter?
I understand many Americans are upset over my choice of words but they are just words compared to Mrs Clinton’s ACTIONS which are far far worse!….”
After this Donald should close saying the issue as far as he is concerned is over there are more serious issues to address pointing out to the debt, unemployment, Russia and the middle east. If he is feeling ballsy he could even say he said those things as a democrat, but that probably wont fly. Whatever it is he transitions to, these tapes, his words being released must be trivialized compared to Hillary’s actions.
If Kellyanne Conway and Roger Aisles send Trump out Sunday night in that debate without some form of “first strike” to disarm/declaw Cooper, Raddatz and Clinton he’s done, get used to saying Pres Hillary Clinton!
Trump better bring his A+++ game or they will eat him alive. I warned you all this was coming, the media was sitting on all kinds of dirt, that they would bring out the knives AXES for him. 30 days out from the election Trump cannot have anymore errors when he speaks. He must have definitive answers that shut down any further argument or debate among the surrogates.
Many longtime visitors of STR know I have been very critical of Trump and Hillary. Like I post on Facebook & Twitter ‘We have “X” #DaysLefttoChooseOurDestroyer’… I call it down the line so I’ll attack or defend anyone if they’re in the right, words taken out of context etc. If you’re a diehard Trump supporter I suggest you do everything in your power to get this post seen by the Trump campaign because I guarantee you they aren’t thinking like this. They have made one mistake after another and tomorrow night will make or break him!