“What I care about is our freedom. What I care about is everyone’s right to be free and it’s all about those stars and stripes…
You’re not going to disrespect our country. You’re not going to disrespect our flag.You’re not going to disrespect each and every veteran who died, who died so that we could stay free, and say what we want, and believe what we believe…
You’ve crossed the line”
Couldn’t have said it better than Robert Williams of TX, a long time Pittsburgh Steelers fan who has had with the NFL. He like many Americans is no longer watching the games nor supporting the league over the clear anti-American sentiment being displayed by players, coaches and owners on issues they know nothing about. Williams is taking it to the next level, along with boycotting the NFL he is burning all his NFL gear!
“My great uncle’s bones are lying in the bottom of Pearl Harbor – alright, for this country, for the flag, for your freedom to play in the NFL, and to say whatever you want to say but you do not…. You do not disrespect the flag, and the country, and the Constitution, and why we are here and why we have our freedoms. So watch this stuff burn!”
Some will laugh and mock Williams because the NFL already got their money out of him, but what about the people who were planning on buying gear who won’t now?! We know for a fact attendance and ratings are down, logic dictates sales of all their crap will tank as well. A this point a boycott is mandatory for every point Williams is making in this video, he really nailed it.
What we’re witnessing by the NFL is complete and utter nonsense, it has to stop, especially because these people really have no clue what’s going on. And for the record many of them have arrest records (869), some for violent crimes!
— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) September 24, 2017
Nice huh!?
These people are not role models. They are propagandists for radical leftists who hate this country using their positions of power and influence to social engineer the US.
Like the man said, “You’ve [NFL] crossed the line“…
….. a day of reckoning is coming for all of you.
One last thing – Robert, if Leftists start riding and harassing you, put the call out help will be on the way.